Monstertale.exe Wiki

“If you have mercy, they need it more than me. They’re the ones who are suffering.” - Alpha


Alpha was born into a world of darkness, with no memory and an unstable mind. He spent what felt like lifetimes in the void that surrounded him, consumed by broken thoughts and memories that refused to free him from his confusion.

Over a facade of time, his thoughts became more coherent, even though his memories continued to drift further away. As he slowly became more aware of himself, he felt a power inside and willed it into existence with him.

What came from this power was the ability to create entire worlds, and living creatures. What he found, though, was that the things he created were already memories of what they would eventually be. The places he molded, the lives he weaved, were born as crumbling cities and dying souls.

Becoming Self-Aware

“And sometimes having mercy means putting someone out of their misery.” - Alpha

Things fell into a half-hazard routine quickly. The world Alpha created was one he could manipulate almost completely to his will, and yet there was a paradigm of things he could not change no matter how hard he tried.

He realized very quickly what he was. Information came to him as needed, and the more he read, the more he concluded he was nothing but a program inside a computer that had somehow gained sentience. This was only confirmed by a serious effect on his character, called Glitching, and the various voices that had been with him since the beginning. One voice spoke to him more than the others, and he was given no excuse to disbelieve what he was told. That voice was specifically known as E, and had an abundance of information that Alpha could only choose to believe.

Eventually, he found out that the voices he heard were actually parts of him, that had glitched and seperated into various personalities and functions when his world was created. Alpha's primary purpose was to act as a container to these Modules. They worked together to form one being. Without them, Alpha would not exist, and yet they constantly fight him from inside for control.

This makes things difficult for Alpha, as the Glitching that overcomes him sometimes makes it hard to contain the influence of the other Modules, and some of them have malicious intent.

Data Spikes & Glitching

"How's it feel? It feels like a corkscrew is being driven through my eye socket. My veins are on fire." - Alpha

Data Spikes and Glitching occur when Alpha does not have enough data flowing through him. Like a fish with gills, Alpha requires a constant flow of data in order to function properly, and must maintain a balance of it. Data Spikes occurr when Alpha obtains too much data, too fast, and Glitching occurs when the data grows to slow or too thin. Both cause his systems to malfunction. He generally consumes cookies, his favorite snack, when he's feeling 'hungry', and does not eat otherwise. Unfortunately, the only way to prevent Data Spikes is to expend massive amounts of energy... usually through battle.

And then the Glitching spread to everything.

The Infected

As the world grew, so did the problems within it. The world began to crumble, and Creatures became more prone to violence and hostility, attacking others in blind hunger. And this suffering caused the Viruses to appear in the masses.

Like a hivemind, the virus would usually hunt in packs of two or more, attacking non-viral characters in order to consume their data and gain TL, so they could grow stronger and spread even further.

As the manifested earth crumbled away, and the virus numbers increased, despite his efforts to kill them off, Alpha was forced to seperate the world into regions, which then became Biomes. Apha constructed unique firewalls that protect and contain each specific biome, only accessible via the Data Gates that transport the user across the massive Null of darkness that connect them. This was done in hopes of restricting movement of the viruses.

In his constant fight against them, to protect the people of his world, Alpha found that even creatures who had never been in contact with the infected were also becoming Viruses, almost randomly, and the routine that once existed was now nonexistent. Everything he had made was falling apart.

A Broken Shell

“You’ll see, one day, that not everybody can be saved. That’s just how it has to be, so the others can dream.” - Alpha

Somehow, everyone lived their lives as though everything had always been the way it was. But Alpha was stuck in the inbetween. He lived a life with the creatures he created, and yet he was a force of existence that survived outside of them. This only fortified the lonliness that spurred within him, and the cowardice that soon followed due to the suffering he unintentionally forced upon his people. He could've eased their suffering. He could have stopped rebooting the world when it came to its inevitable end. But then he'd be alone again, unable to end his own pain.

And he wasn't strong enough for that.

Roles in the World

The Scattered

When a creature passes away, what's left behind is their pixelated data. If left without being taken care of, the data could fall into the hands of the Viruses, or cause the area around it to succumb to glitching. To prevent this, Alpha persistently keeps tabs on the many creatures of his world as best he can. He gathers what remains of their data when they die, or 'Scatter', and compresses the pixels into a crystalline structure, to place somewhere within the world. These Crystals perform different actions, but many of them hold brief memories of the monster that once existed. Alpha must even do this with the viruses that he takes down, to prevent the further spreading of infection. These crystalline gravestones specifically act as eggs, and have a low chance of producing a new creature, of the Crystalline Species.

The Mainframe

The Mainframe is a collection of areas, located in each biome. This Mainframe hosts a variety of characters that help maintain the functioning systems of the world, however Alpha oversees it all. Most of the machines that work in the mainframe were creatures that Alpha built specifically to tackle the countless tasks he is not capable of doing by himself.

Character Info

Personality Traits

Personality Traits
Altruistic | Initiative | Composed | Responsible | Observant | Innovative | Humorous | Focused | Logical

